23 d’octubre del 2008

Consell Internacional de la Dansa (CID)

The International Dance Council (CID) is the official umbrella organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world.
-CID is recognized by UNESCO, national and local governments, international organizations and institutions.
-Its members are the most prominent federations, associations, schools, companies and individuals in more than 150 countries.
-CID was founded in 1973 within the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, where it is based.

October 2008 Circular

01. World Congress proceedings DVD
Presenters of the 22nd World Congress can send updated versions of their presentation to be included in the final version of the proceedings DVD. This DVD will be ready in December and will be available free of charge to CID Members.

02. 23rd World Congress invitations
You can ask for an invitation to the 23rd World Dance Congress, to take place 1-5 July 2009 in Athens. Non-members can ask for a certificate of registration, to apply for financial support and for visa. Researchers, teachers, choreographers and performers representing all forms of dance are invited to submit presentations. Free proceedings DVD sent upon registration, see www.orchesis-portal.org/cdr/

03. Dance retreats in Bali
Ceremony, ritual and the dance of liberation, 22-26 March 2009. Dance, sacred music, yoga and art, 1-5 April 2009.

04. Children's Festival in Bulgaria
Inviting children's folk dance ensembles from all countries to festival in Bulgaria 21-26 May 2009. Send applications with details until January.

05. Folk festival in Italy
For elementary and secondary school children, in the Lombardy region of North Italy. Combined with ethnographical film festival. Prizes 500 to 1000 euros.

06. Festival in Italy
For children of primary school age, near Bergamo, 27-29 March 2009.

07. Folk festival in Algeria
Open to ensembles from all countries, 10 days, 10-20 July 2009.

08. Festival in Turkey
Near Istanbul 15-21 May 2009, for youth folk dance ensembles. Participants pay 10 euros per person per day.

09. Call for research articles
Inviting research submissions on the theme: Contemporary practices in concert dance.

10. Ballet competition in Italy
21-23 November 2008. Solo, duo, trio, groups, 9-19 years old in three levels: pre-competitive, intermediary, advanced. Classical ballet and contemporary. Jury composed of company directors.

11. Position in college, USA
The dance department of a college in the USA invites applications for a full time assistant professor position, to teach contemporary technique and movement composition, choreography, cultural studies, history, theory.

12. Oriental dance festival, Spain
In Cordoba 21 October to 2 November 2008, including master class and show.

13. New books by Members of the CID
Mandrelli, Clio: Rêve d'un homme en blanc. Homage to Marcel Marceau. Athens, 22nd World Congress on Dance Research, 2008, 56 p.
Wosien, Maria-Gabriele (Ed.): Bernhard Wosien. Der Weg des Tänzers. Weilersbach, 1998. Published in Portuguese by TRIOM, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2000; and in Polish by Studio Astropsychologii, Bialystok, 2004; new enlarged edition 2008 by Metanoia-Verlag.
Wosien, Maria-Gabriele: Feuerspuren. Lettland – Tanzrituale und Symbole (with CD and DVD). Metanoia-Verlag, 2008.
You can contact the authors directly for their books.

14. Dancesport Championships, Malaysia
In Kuala Lumpur, 30 August 2009. Open to all, Standard and Latin, professional, pro-amateur and amateur. Prize monies.

15. National project funding, USA
To improve conditions and infrastructure of the dance. Grants totalling one million dollars each year (each grant between $60,000 and $200,000) to support projects of national scope.